Additional Community Resources

Community Resources to Help Our Neighbors!

Lending a Helping Hand

Lending a Helping Hand

Every now and then, we all need a little extra help. Sometimes, in these situations, it can be difficult and challenging to know where to turn to for help or where to start looking. To aid you in your search, we've compiled a list that includes some of the area community resources and agencies that may be beneficial in providing assistance with your needs. Please remember that in addition to seeking help from others, you should also seek help from God. He is only a prayer away. If you'd like someone to pray for you or with you, please go to our Prayer Requests page and fill out the prayer request form, which will be sent to our pastor and kept confidential.



Energy Assistance Resources

Energy Assistance

Winters in the Driftless Region can be long, snowy, and dangerously cold.  Summers can be treacherous with prolonged heat and humidity.  All of it puts a strain on our families and homes, especially as it causes increased energy usage.  This can create financial hardship for many across our area.  If you are facing financial hardship due to your energy needs, we invite you to explore the resources list here.  Wisconsin has many useful resources for energy assistance that can provide financial relief to you and your family!

Family Resources

We care about you and your family.  One of our missions is to help families in their time of need.  When family-oriented questions arise, it is important for you to have people and resources for you to reach out to that can help answer them!  Below are just a few resources available to your family in the Driftless Region to help answer some of those pressing family questions.

Family Resources
Miscellaneous Resources

Miscellaneous Resources

The Driftless Region is home to many other wonderful resources that its residents can utilize!  Here are some of the many sources of assistance available to you: